Saturday, June 30, 2007

My apologies, Madam.

Earlier today at work at The Questionable Company, I was verifying a deep, gravelly-voiced caller's account number, name and address:

Me: "This account is for Carlos Velez. Is this Carlos I'm speaking with?"

Caller: ". . . No. . . This is his mother."



Anonymous said...

Ha! I love it! When I worked at a library, we had a patron who looked and sounded like a man and had a name that could've been either. Someone had put into the computer - so it popped up when we scanned this person's library card - "this is a woman."

Stephanie said...

Yikes! We rented an apartment once and swore we were dealing with a man on the phone until someone else in the office said, "She's not in right now." She???? Really???? When we met her face-to-face we were still not positive of his/her gender.

Anonymous said...

It's time for momma to lay off the menthols.

- Texas T-bone

Anonymous said...

We have a woman in the home office that smokes like a fiend and her voice is "questionable", too...