Sunday, August 12, 2007

Bridge survivor.

I found out from an article in the Star Tribune that one of the survivors of the I-35W bridge collapse is a young actress who played Pippi Longstocking at The Children's Theatre Company last year. My Girl Scout troop saw the play and then my friend, my daughter and I went to see it again a few weeks later. The actress suffered some fractured vertebrae and will need physical therapy for a while, but should be able to act and dance and attend college. My daughter and I are sending her get-well cards. I drew this in my card:


Beckie said...

Wow, that is a great drawing! I loved Pippi when I was a kid.

Very cute card - you are quite the talented artist!

Anonymous said...

what a cute card and a sweet thing to do!

Unknown said...

That's a great drawing -- I'm sure it will cheer her up. You are so artistic, both writing and drawing.

Michele said...

Cute! I LOVE Pipi Longstocking. I just got the boxed set of DVDs a few weeks ago. The acting was a lot worse than I remembered it to be and my kids thought they were lame, but I still love them.

teahouse said...

Awww..too cute!! I hope she gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

N i c e...especially the socks ;) (I forgot about that...). She'll LOVE that card!'s a small world, huh? :/