Sunday, April 13, 2008

The latest . . .

Yikes. I'm here, I'm here, I swear. It's been a hella busy 6 or 7 months.

I returned to full-time work in August '07 and then struggled to not only adjust to the corporate world, but to deal with a micro-managing idiot supervisor with her head so far up her @ss, she didn't know which way was up! Thankfully, she was asked to resign, but not before mangling most of the annual reviews she wrote for her team. I had to leap frog over her head to get mine re-written by her manager. That's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I could go into more, but I won't. I have a new supervisor and he seems to be the cat's pajamas so far.

I apologize for being absent. You can find out a little bit more here.

Hope all is well with y'all and I hope to not be gone so long again.


barrie said...

Hey! I got a call last night from another former blogger and have been reading my old blog posts and checking on others to see where everyone is these days.

Kenna said...

Nuts, I wanted to be the first one to comment! Barrie, is that you?!? Pretty incredible that I picked today to stop by. Good to hear from you, Sally.

Kandy said...

I know it's been ages, but I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I have a new and improved blog so stop by when you have a chance. =0)

teahouse said...

Hey, welcome back!! I've been checking periodically just in case.

The last job I had involved a psychopathic and micromanaging boss. That's why I left. That company will never fire her. I'm much happier now.

CaliGirl said...

always good keeping tabs. i check in every now and then to see if you are still alive.

HUGS TO YOU girlie. hope everything else is well with you and your family.

sue said...

Let's see... July 10th... about time for you to check in again? {{{hugs}}}